What is Informed Delivery®?

Imagine receiving an email every morning with digital previews of your mail scheduled to arrive to your home or office soon.

This is now possible thanks to Informed Delivery®.

This new USPS feature allows you to view grayscale images of the mail pieces you're soon to receive-and you can access everything from one convenient location.


Informed Delivery® by USPS®

This service is wildly popular:

  • The Informed Delivery® email open rate is an average of 63.7%
  • There are over 19 million people signed up for Informed Delivery® (This number is growing daily!)
  • Informed Delivery® allows you to put your mailing piece both in the digital world and physical world simultaneously.


What does MAX's Informed Delivery® Integration mean?

With our Informed Delivery® Integration, you'll be able to enhance your mailing piece by:

  • Adding a full color ad next to the grayscale preview.
  • Including interactive content.
  • Implementing a link to the advertised website.

When someone clicks on the link to the advertised website, they'll receive a cookie on their browser and on their Facebook profiles.

This means our Online Follow-Up and Social Media Follow-Up features will immediately start working for this user. Even if they initially exit the website without taking action, they'll be seeing ads attracting them back to it-all over Facebook, lnstagram and the Google Network.



Comings Soon to Your Mailbox


We'll handle all the tech stuff–so you can sit back and enjoy your increased ROI on selling more Direct Mail Marketing campaigns.